Welcome to my blog! This is where I come to put down my thoughts, pictures of my family and clients, and other stuff about my wonderful family. I have been abundantly blessed by the LORD and pray that you know and walk with the God who created everything that is encompassed in the pictures that I take. I also hope that you get to know a little bit about my family, me, and my passion for photography. If you drop by, leave a comment. Comments make my day! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Fish Family

I think this is my favorite of all the family pics. So stinking sweet.

I LOVE this family. I had such a good time with them. They really love each other, and I think we caught some really sweet moments! Can't you tell that this little boy gets no love? Seriously, these are some great parents! Jack was so cooperative with just the right amount of mischief. Seriously guys, thanks for letting me do your pictures. I was totally blessed by you all! You are such a beautiful family!!