Welcome to my blog! This is where I come to put down my thoughts, pictures of my family and clients, and other stuff about my wonderful family. I have been abundantly blessed by the LORD and pray that you know and walk with the God who created everything that is encompassed in the pictures that I take. I also hope that you get to know a little bit about my family, me, and my passion for photography. If you drop by, leave a comment. Comments make my day! Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My First Giveaway!!!

I decided that I wanted to start doing giveaways! That's good news! All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment telling me why you love photographs. It's that easy! I will leave this open until midnight tomorrow (06-03-09) night.

Now, for the good stuff...what are you going to win if you enter? A free sitting for up to 5 people and 8x10 print from your sitting! If you win you will have up to 4 months to use your prize. Make sure you only enter once and tell your friends about it too! I can't wait to read all of your comments, and I can't wait to pick a winner!

Thanks guys!!!


Doris said...

Family are the people in your life you take time for to attend special events, occasions and take pictures to remember. If you don't take time then family becomes "just people". Photographs turn "just people" into family.

77apronstrings said...

I like photographs because as I succumb to a faulty memory, the things I thought were interesting or awe-inspiring or endearing are captured for a lifetime. The images may fade from my mind's eye but a photograph will serve as a reminder of the tapestry that was woven of my life: the thunderclouds that form suddenly on a summer evening, the kids running through the sprinkler, or my husband holding our children for the first time. Part of our legacy will be the imprints on the photographs we leave.

Melanie said...

Seriously, you guys are serious. Tell your friends to comment or my first giveaway will be my last!
Rachel, you used some serious sparkle words!

Becky said...

I love photographs because it they can capture so many wonderful memories. I know when my son is older I will cherish all the pictures I have of him as a toddler.

Kristine said...

Pictures are a spotlight on the memories that tend to fade over time. They are a way to freeze a moment and have a way to cherish that moment long after it has passed.